Why should you
have FarmScan® M30+?
Early and
independent diagnosis saves time and money. Our idea was to create a simple,
yet very reliability and resistant, ultrasound scanner that will be suitable
for harsh field conditions.
Thanks to
FarmScan® M30+ ultrasound scanner pregnancy in small livestock can be diagnosed
at an early stage, e.g. in pigs on the 19th day, in sheep on the 25th day,
especially if the breeder is very experienced.
of the device:
· easy and comfort of use ,
· good quality images for scanning ensure accurate
pregnancy checks
· 2 batteries continue working time up to 14 hours
(a long day scanning),
· strong mechanical 5.0MHz sector detachable probe
connected to the device, can be washed
by running water,
· intuitive and functional keyboard,
· high quality 3.8″ TFT LCD screen providing a clear,
transparent image,
· observation of foetus during pregnancy,
· helps to reduce the cost of running a breeding farm
through selection of pregnant female animals and appropriate breeding